
Christine Molinier

Christine Molinier, 32 ans
Nationalité : Franco-tchèque

Who am I?

Why did I choose France and the Czech Republic?

Although my name does not suggest my Czech roots, my family comes from the Pilsen region. In fact, my entire life has been shared between France and the Czech Republic. The annual vacation trips to visit my family, between weekends at the cottage and walks in the forest combined with my grandmother’s delicious recipes are part of my childhood.

I would describe myself with this definition:

“The bicultural person is neither the sum of the two cultures in question, nor the receptacle of the two distinct cultures, but an entity that combines and synthesizes the aspects and traits of these two cultures, and this in an original and personal way.”
– François Grosjean

It is this complex combination of two worlds that I invite you to discover by my side. Based in Prague for 8 years and still having a foothold in the south of France, I have chosen to specialize in these two countries which have an important place in my life and which I particularly like. It is through my recommendations and itineraries that I will share with you the subtleties of these two cultures.

Mobile in other geographical areas, my passion for travel and my curiosity lead me to broaden my panel of activity.


Experience & network






Project management






Details and customer oriented


Branding & Strategy


Customer Care


French, Czech, English and Spanish

Internationally mobile for your projects

Strong knowledge on these destinations: Budapest, Wien, Malta, Mallorca, Senegal and Nosy be/Madagascar…

My services for out-going agencies and DMC:

  • Response to briefs
  • Organization and project management
  • Communication with clients
  • Group accompaniment / Tour Leader
  • Site inspections
  • Operational part during a seminar
  • One-off missions for event agencies